


    Jun 19th 2020


    Say it out loud: Black Lives Matter! In this moment, there's a convergence of a history of oppression, frequent killings of Black people with no consequences for their killers, political attempts…

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  • All About Shampoo Bars

    Jul 9th 2019

    All About Shampoo Bars

    All About Shampoo Bars Do you cringe when you buy hair-care products in plastic bottles? Do you wonder where the ingredients in your shampoo come from? Good news: We're here to tell you all abou…

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  • What is Soap?

    Mar 3rd 2019

    What is Soap?

    Have you ever wondered what soap is, or been curious about the science behind the bubbles? The magical kettle of soapy stew holds lessons in science for me and you! You don't have to be a…

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  • Gifts of the Trees

    Jan 21st 2019

    Gifts of the Trees

    Take a moment today to appreciate a tree. Choose a tree that has a presence in your daily life. Maybe one you've noticed but haven't given much thought to.Touch the tree. Be present with the tree…

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  • A Monarch is Born!

    Oct 21st 2018

    A Monarch is Born!

    Raising monarch butterflies this summer was a magical experience! Why raise monarchs? Why not leave caterpillars alone to grow into butterflies out in the wild? Here are some compelling reasons: Survi…

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